Cart object - Example
"Title":"", // product title
"Price":1.5, // product price
"Pid":0, // by internal product id
"SKU":"TEST" // or get product by SKU
"Attrs": // product attributes / variants
"AttrId":"22052", // attribute id
"OptionId":"125201", // option id
"Qty":1, // QTY = always 1
"OptionText":"RED", // option text
"Price":0 // extra attribute price
"Qty":1, // product QTY (INTEGER)
"QtyType":0, // Units = 0, Kg = 1, Grams = 2, Liter = 3, Meter = 4, Cm = 5, Pack = 6
"QtyByWeight":0 // if not units you can set QTY as double (1.5, 2.20...)
"SecondQtyType":0 // if user can set KG or units for this product 0=KG, 1=Units
"Title":"product 2", // product without variants
"CustomShipingId":0, // the id of the custom ship (you can add custom shipping)
"IsSelfDelivery":false, // if the order is self delivery not shipping
"StoreId":"1234", // store id
"Address":"Herzel 1 Tel Aviv",
"Instroductions":"", // customer extra Instroductions
"Lat":0, // gps LAT
"Lng":0, // gps LNG
"CountryId":103, // 103 - israel
"ExtraField1":"", // cart extra field
"ExtraField2":"", // cart extra field
"ExtraField3":"", // cart extra field
"ExtraField4":"", // cart extra field
"ExtraField5":"", // cart extra field
"ExtraField6":"", // cart extra field
"PaymentFirstName":"", // if this order is a gift you can set payer details here
"CuponCode":"", // coupon code
"PaymentType":0, // the payment ID (use it if you have more than one payment option)
"TrafficSource":"utmcsr=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)|utmccn=(not set)", // set UTM ADS detaiols here
"LanguageType":"2" // 2 = hebrew